Member Information
We believe that membership in a local body and submission to the overseeing of the elders are mandated in the teachings of scripture (Romans 12:4-5, Hebrews 10:25, Hebrews 13:17).
In order to join RGF, we ask that you accept our church constitution, sign our covenant, and communicate substantial agreement with our confessional statements. A meeting will also be held with our elders to discuss the individual’s faith in Jesus, church membership, and the confession. The potential member will be asked to give a personal testimony. The final step is for the elders to recommend the individual to the congregation for church membership. Then, the congregation votes publicly to affirm any new members.
Members of Rivertown Grace Fellowship are dedicated to God’s Word, His commands, and sound doctrine. Becoming a member lets you be part of a loving community and have the opportunity to serve and grow in your faith alongside other dedicated individuals. Understanding these privileges and responsibilities, by joining Rivertown Grace Fellowship, you agree to be loyal to the interests of the church, contribute to its support, and are subject to the doctrine and discipline of the church as embodied in the Bible, the 1689 Confession, and our Constitution.
We invite you to join our church if your priorities reflect our shared values. Becoming a member of a church is a decision that can greatly enrich your spiritual journey. It’s a great way to deepen your faith and relationships with other believers. We encourage you to stop by for a service and speak with one of our Elders to get started in your commitment to Rivertown Grace Fellowship.
9:00 am (First and Third Sunday)
10:30 AM